Aids to squeeze tubes. This image shows a toothpaste tube aid that helps you get product out of the tube. It shows a tube in the holder and the keys that turn the tube to squeeze the product out. The holders are white and the keys are red, green and blue plastic

Help Squeezing Tubes

If you have weakened hands due to arthritis you may need some help squeezing tubes. It’s not just creams and toothpaste that come in tubes many cooking ingredients are packaged this way.

Preparing food with one hand. This image shows a food preparation aid. It is a white board with different stainless steel securing clamps. In this photo it shows someone single-handedly peeling a courgette.

Preparing Food With One Hand

Preparing food with one hand is almost impossible. You don’t realise how much we rely on the second hand until you can’t use it for some reason. This useful board helps resolve many common food prep issues.

This image is shows a large white window pane. It has one large single centre panel and two equal length ones divided in two. In total there are 5 windows. Their is a window blind and it is almost to the window sill. Just above the window sill is a green sheet of card attached to the window. The card is part of a simple alert system to allow elderly people to signal whether they are OK or need help

Simple Alert System

This simple alert system uses coloured card as indicators with green for “OK”, amber ” I could use some help” and red “I NEED help now”. Such a simple idea it is genius. Ideal for anyone elderly or vulnerable.

This image shows an Easy Storage team. Their are two men loading a bike onto a van via the double side doors. The van is orange and white

Easy Storage

Easy Storage is the perfect solution to your downsizing, moving or storage needs. No stress storage solutions with collection, storage and your items returned to you when needed. They do the hard work so you don’t have to worry.

This image shows a Waterproof call bell pendant. It is a small oval device which is white. It has a clear red button in the centre. Also shown is a black wrist strap and a white lanyard.

Call Bell Systems

Call bell systems allow elderly and disabled people to contact someone if they need help. The service provider holds the contact details of family members and can call the emergency services if required.

Folding Hoists For Mobility Scooters

This portable folding hoist has a 50kg weight capacity, the equivalent to 2 sacks of potatoes and can easily manage most scooters. It’s light -weight design has a hard-wearing frame and is easily moved.  There is no need to dismantle the scooter provided your boot is large enough.

this image shows a selection of medical alert systems. They are wearable devices to press when help is needed

Medical Alert Systems

Medical alert systems are life savers. If you live alone and are at risk of a fall they are an essential form of contact. All are portable and worn either on a layard around your neck or on your wrist, like a watch. When you need help simply press the button and you will be connected with a help centre.

This shows an OM interactive Mobile projection system projecting a picture of a lamb onto a table top

Mobii Interactive Systems

The Mobii interactive system provides a perfect way to involve people of all physical and mental abilities in activity. Using motion detecting light beams they project 100’s of different apps onto any light surface.

This image shows a row of washing machines and a pile of laundry

Care Home Laundry

No-one wants to think of a loved one wearing clothes belonging to someone else in a care home environment. There are a few simple things you can do to prevent this.

This image shows a white electric care plugged in to a red charging station

Electric Vehicles and Safety

It is estimated that by 2020 there will be over one million electric vehicles on our roads with the distances they are capable of traveling on one charge varying between 100 -300 miles now they are becoming a more practical option.

Big Ideas competition flyer

Care Share

  CARE SHARE – The multi-organisational and societal approach to eldercare. I entered this competition to raise awareness and share …


#metoo -campaign to end incontinence product rationing in the UK Who will join me on a #metoo campaign to raise awareness of …