Will Social Care Ever Be Cared For?
The pass the parcel of Government responsibility for Social Care reform continues with a new Government and a New Year.
If You Think A Loved One Has Dementia.
What should you do if you think a loved one has dementia? It is understandably a worrying time but try not to panic
More Gift Ideas
Buying presents for someone elderly can be difficult. What do you buy someone with dementia? Here are some more gift ideas to help you.
Can I Get The Winter Fuel Payment?
Can I get the Winter Fuel Payment? Millions of pensioners have lost their WInter Fuel Payment this year. There are also hundreds of thousands who are entitled to it and haven’t applied.
Keeping Elderly People Well During A Heatwave
Keeping elderly people well in a heatwave can save lives. Extreme heat causes preventable deaths each Summer. Here are some useful tips to help
Unsafe To Drive?
If you think an elderly person is unsafe to drive because of a medical condition you can inform DVLA annonymously.
Putting On A Bra With One Hand.
If you’re a woman who has had a Stroke, undergone surgery or broken your arm you’ll want to know about putting on a bra with one hand.
Help Squeezing Tubes
If you have weakened hands due to arthritis you may need some help squeezing tubes. It’s not just creams and toothpaste that come in tubes many cooking ingredients are packaged this way.
Preparing Food With One Hand
Preparing food with one hand is almost impossible. You don’t realise how much we rely on the second hand until you can’t use it for some reason. This useful board helps resolve many common food prep issues.
Jelly for Elderly People.
Jelly For Elderly People A traditional British dessert. But is Jelly more than just easy pudding? Jelly for elderly people …
Help To Lift Your Legs
Osteoarthritis and lymphodema can make it really hard to get in and out of your bed or bath. Fortunately, there is a really simple and affordable tool to help lifting your legs.
Choosing The Perfect Retirement Home
(Sponsored Post) A Guide to Choosing the Perfect Retirement Home: What to Consider Retirement is a time for relaxation, enjoyment, …
Waterproof Seat Pads
Waterproof seat pads are perfect for protecting your furniture from mishaps. They are affordable, portable and discreet.
Applying Cream To Your Back
Applying Cream to Your Back Applying cream to your back used to be almost impossible to do independently. You have …
Settld Losing a loved one is a devastating experience. Settld offers you support and help when you need it most. …
Socks for People with Lymphoedema
Socks for People with Lymphoedema. Finding socks for people with Lymphoedema isn’t easy. Annoyingly, despite being an essential item you …
Phones For People With Hearing Loss
Struggling with your hearing and find your current mobile difficult to hear? Great news. There are mobile phones for people with hearing loss. Specialist hearing company Hearing Direct.com have the perfect solution.
Simple Alert System
This simple alert system uses coloured card as indicators with green for “OK”, amber ” I could use some help” and red “I NEED help now”. Such a simple idea it is genius. Ideal for anyone elderly or vulnerable.
Easy Storage
Easy Storage is the perfect solution to your downsizing, moving or storage needs. No stress storage solutions with collection, storage and your items returned to you when needed. They do the hard work so you don’t have to worry.
Stylish Cutlery For Shaky Hands
Stylish cutlery for shaky hands can be difficult to find. This set is both beautiful and practical and won’t look out of place on any restaurant table.
Tools for Elderly Gardeners
There are plenty of purpose made tools for elderly gardeners. It’s all about adapting to your changing needs. There’s no need to give up gardening if you are elderly and struggling with conventional ones
New Cosyfeet Catalogue Out Now
New Cosyfeet Catalogue Out Now. The new Cosyfeet catalogue is out now. Cosyfeet specialises in quality, comfortable footwear and hosiery …
Preparing a Hospital Bag
Preparing a Hospital Bag You never know when it might be needed. Preparing a Hospital bag in advance is a …
Peeler For Arthritic Hands
Arthritis shouldn’t stop you preparing fresh veg. This peeler is designed for arthritic hands and removes the need to grip which can be challenging.
How Good Are Jelly Drops?
A hydration revolution. Jelly Drops have been available since 2020 and helped thousands of people who struggle with adequate fluid intake. But just how good are they?
Over 10 million of its engaging fruit treats have now been sold so if you haven’t heard of them before and don’t know if they are worth buying please read the rest of this post.
Footwear for Someone Who Has Had A Stroke
Footwear for someone who has had a Stroke needs to be comfortable and easy to put on and remove. Feet can become swollen if you or someone you care for are immobile for any period. This is highly likely in the period following a Stroke.
Your footwear also needs to fit well and have a good grip to prevent the risk of having a fall when starting to mobilise again.
Caring For a Parent
Caring for a parent is different than caring for a child. However reliant a parent becomes they have a lived life and experiences that have shaped them
Who Can Still Have a Free TV Licence?
Who Can Still Have a Free TV Licence? Historically free TV licences were available to people aged 75 and over. …
Sleeping Better During Menopause
Theres so much going on at this stage in your life and if you are a carer you don’t need anymore to think about. Sleeping better during menopause becomes an important issue to help you cope with your responsibilities by day.
How to Stop Someone Falling Out of Bed.
How to Stop Someone Falling Out of Bed. If you care for elderly people it’s important to know how to …
Good Diet For Elderly People
Good Diet For Elderly People Maintaining a good diet for elderly people can be difficult. It is still important for …
Call Bell Systems
Call bell systems allow elderly and disabled people to contact someone if they need help. The service provider holds the contact details of family members and can call the emergency services if required.
Financial Help This Winter
Financial Help This Winter. Financial help this winter. After a disaster of a Summer are you wondering what Winter …
Walking Stick For Stairs
The stair assist cane is a specially designed walking stick for stairs
Suction Grab Rails
Suction grab rails are an affordable and practical way to keep you safe at home. They are especially useful in the bathroom.
Carers Allowance
Carers Allowance Carers Allowance is a small payment made to a person who cares for someone full-time. In 2023 it …
Payment Card for People with Dementia
People with dementia and their families need a safe and easy way to manage their day-to-day finances. They are increasingly vulnerable to scams and therefore often lose independence.
Does Your Dog Help You Sleep?
Does your dog help you sleep? With one in four households now owning a dog, does yours like to keep you company at night? Does your dog help you sleep or disturb you?
Maintaining Mobility in Old Age
Maintaining Mobility in Old Age Maintaining mobility in old age is intrinsically linked to independence. Very few elderly people …
Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency in The Elderly
With changes in appetite vitamin and mineral deficiency is common amongst elderly people. There are also other contributory factors including the bodies ability to process foods and store nutrients.
Muscle Damage Recovery
Muscle Damage Recovery A new study reveals how muscle damage recovery takes longer when older.. The study may help …
Dressing Yourself With Limited Mobility
Dressing yourself with limited mobility as a result of ageing or injury can seem like a challenge. A simple dressing stick is a great help. A dressing stick is simply a stick with a hook attachment.
Alcohol Addiction In Older Adults
Alcohol addiction in older adults is rarely written about yet it’s a widespread issue. It can cause harm in many ways and endanger safety.
Adjustable Beds
Adjustable beds offer customizable sleeping positions. One of the main advantages of adjustable beds is the ability to adjust the position of the bed’s head and foot. This allows you to find your most comfortable sleeping position, whether you prefer to sleep with your head slightly elevated, raise your legs for better circulation, or find a position that alleviates pressure points on your body.
Double-Handled Mugs
Double-handled mugs are the perfect solution for people with a weak grip or hand tremors. Despite their chunky, rustic appearance these are very lightweight.
How to use a walking stick correctly
How to use a walking stick correctly Do you know how to use a walking stick correctly? Consequently were you …
Big Button Phones
Big Button Phones Big-button phones are ideal for elderly people. Not only do they have easy-to-see and press giant …
High Blood Pressure
High Blood Pressure High Blood pressure or hypertension increases your risk of a stroke or heart attack. It can …
Caring For A Diabetic Wound
Diabetes affects 1 in 20 of the adult population. This is approximately 850,000 and it is essential to have some understanding into caring for a diabetic wound to prevent serious complications.
Communication Aids
Communication Aids These lost for words sheets are probably one of the most simple communication aids on the market today. …
How do you get someone with dementia to drink?
How do you get someone with dementia to drink? Someone with dementia may become dehydrated if they’re unable to …
Extendable Door Wedges
Extendable door wedges are ideal for people with mobility issues, pregnant people and for anyone with balance problems. They enable you to wedge the door open without having to bend down. The handle also has a handy wrist strap to prevent you dropping it on the floor.
State Benefits for Pensioners
Every year billions of State Benefits for Pensioners remain unclaimed. This money could really help whilst living costs are so high.
Fitform Chairs
Fitform Chairs Fitform chairs are the armchairs of the future. We put more strain on our backs …
Ageing and Eyesight
Ageing and Eyesight Ageing and eyesight have an intrinsic link. Many changes take place in our eyes as we get …
Folding Hoists For Mobility Scooters
This portable folding hoist has a 50kg weight capacity, the equivalent to 2 sacks of potatoes and can easily manage most scooters. It’s light -weight design has a hard-wearing frame and is easily moved. There is no need to dismantle the scooter provided your boot is large enough.
Internet Home Care
Internet Home Care Internet Home Care is here and it’s here to stay. Never before has the internet played …
What to look for in a wheeled-walker
If you are looking to purchase a rollator walking aid you may find the selection baffling. In this article I have reviewed 4 different types of rollator that I have personally had experience of.
Socks for problem feet
Socks for problem feet For someone with swollen feet or ankles finding socks for problem feet is essential. Tight socks …
The Silver Line
The Silver Line The founder of The Silver Line Dame Esther Rantzen shared that she was feeling deeply lonely. …
Is homemade soup better for elderly people?
Is homemade soup better for elderly people? Yes. You control what goes into it and shop bought tinned soup contains high salt levels.
What Causes Constipation?
What causes constipation? What causes constipation is probably something we have all questioned at some point in our lives. Most, …
Why Do Men’s Eyebrows Get Bushy With Age
With age, most men find the hair on their head receding. So why do mens eyebrows get bushy with age?
What are Cataracts and what causes them?
Cataracts are an age-related eye condition causing sight loss due to the lens becoming misty.
Dementia Diagnosis and Treatment
Years of painstaking studies have delivered gains in the understanding of dementia.This has laid the foundation for a revolution in earlier diagnosis and effective treatment of the disease. This is a cause for hope for millions in the future
Depression & Anxiety in Older People
Depression & Anxiety in Older People We tend to think that depression and anxiety are for the young, however, …
Comfort Doll For People With Dementia
People with later stages of dementia can often feel isolated, anxious and become understandably agitated. What we all need at times is a hug and this is where HUG the soft limbed doll has originated from.
Washing Your Feet When You Can’t Reach
Washing Your Feet When You Can’t Reach Getting older often means having reduced mobility and flexibility which makes washing your …
Does Liquorice Relieve Constipation
Does Liquorice Relieve Constipation As we get older everything slows down. This includes our digestive system which frequently leads …
NHS Continuing Care
This article explains the basis of NHS Continuing Care. It is a minefield to apply but worth the effort as it pays for care at home or in a care home following hospitalisation
Supplements to help you sleep
Supplements to help you sleep We all want a good night’s sleep and many of us have experienced insomnia …
Portable Bidets
If we don’t poop we die. However as people age they often need some help with wiping their bottom. This article suggest an alternative idea to loo roll
Medical Alert Systems
Medical alert systems are life savers. If you live alone and are at risk of a fall they are an essential form of contact. All are portable and worn either on a layard around your neck or on your wrist, like a watch. When you need help simply press the button and you will be connected with a help centre.
Hair washing aid.
How to overcome the difficulties of washing someone’s hair when they can’t shower. This is such a common problem …
Permanent Hair Removal
Permanent Hair Removal Why you should have permanent hair removal treatment for unwanted hair. As we age we lose …
No one gives a monkey
Social care provision is at a crisis point both in the community and with care homes closing. Who cares though? No one gives a monkey. Until it affects you or your family.
Raised Toilet Seats.
Raised toilet seats Raised toilet seats are really useful for elderly people as they make it easier to get …
Have a Bath Safely
There are lots of ways to have a bath safely. It is important for you to maintain your independence and dignity and avoid the risk of having a fall in the bathroom
Improve Your Health
Improve Your Health. It is never too late and you are never too old to find ways to improve your …
Maintaining A Good Diet For People With Dementia
Diet and dementia
Living With An Allergy?
Are you living with an allergy? Have you waited months for an allergy testing appointment on the NHS?
Gifts For Elderly People
Finding gifts for elderly people can be tricky. What do you buy someone who has a lifetimes worth of gifts?
Mobii Interactive Systems
The Mobii interactive system provides a perfect way to involve people of all physical and mental abilities in activity. Using motion detecting light beams they project 100’s of different apps onto any light surface.
UK Blog Awards
UK BLOG AWARDS 2016 – CARON CARES is announced as the WINNER I sit at my desk and type this …
Caring for your feet
[pdf-embedder url=”http://www.caroncares.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/March-2020.pdf” title=”Caring for your feet”]
How To Prevent A Fall At Home
How to Prevent A Fall At Home. Once a loved one has had one you will want to know to …
Happy New Year
[pdf-embedder url=”http://www.caroncares.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/January-2020.pdf” title=”January 2020″]
Age UK link
Age UK This is a nice little article on the Age UK website, which I was asked to contribute …
Happy to Share my table cards
Happy to share my table cards Happy to Share version two of my ‘Happy to Share’ cards. I was incredibly lucky …
Boris pledges to fix social care.
Source: Pledges to fix social care could cost Boris Johnson dearly | UK news | The Guardian. Such a huge …
CCTV in Care Homes
CCTV in care homes is a controversial issue. so is abuse of vulnerable elderly people.
Puree Diet Food Moulds
Many people with dysphagia ( difficulty swallowing) need to have their food pureed. This doesn’t make food look so appealing. Using a mould to re-shape it really helps with presentation.
Happy to Share
Happy to Share These are my original Happy to Share cards I designed in 2015 before ‘loneliness’ became a buzz …
Meeting Sarah Gravenstede
Meeting Sarah Gravenstede Following on from Mad March and my Modelling the 28th saw me meet Sarah Gravenstede. She is the …
Mad March & my modeling.
Mad March and my modeling. This is the first real chance I have had to sit and write for …
Keywings are cheerful rubber attachments for door keys. Designed to make life easier for millions of older people by increasing the grip.
Mugs, Mugs and more Mugs
Mugs, Mugs and more Mugs. I make no apologies. I know I have only just shared another post about a …
Belated Wishes
Belated wishes to my little blog. Another year has come and passed. April the 17th 2019 saw Caron Cares reach …
Companion Cats
People love their pets. Fact. Having to leave your home and pets behind is a huge challenge. Whilst companion cats are not real they are lifelike. They purr and breathe and roll over for a tummy tickle.
Non Spill Mug Insert
These non-spill mug inserts help elderly people with shaky hands manage a hot drink safely.