Maintaining a good diet for people with dementia. This image shows a delicious roast beef dinner with all the trimmings. It is making me hungry while I write this article.

Maintaining A Good Diet For People With Dementia

Good diet for elderly people. This image shows a large yorkshire pudding, sliced roast beef, broccoli, sliced carrots and gravy.

Maintaining A Good Diet For People With Dementia

Maintaining a good diet for people with dementia is important. The onset of the disease often affects the person’s ability to eat but it is still vital in improving their health and overall well-being.

Causes of Poor Appetite.

Early stages of dementia can cause communication difficulties, make people tired and cause depression. This can affect appetite and the desire to prepare and eat a balanced diet. Some types of dementia can affect the swallowing reflex alongside some conditions associated with ageing such as a narrowing of the oesophagus.

Help Preparing Meals

It is difficult to feel hungry sometimes without the stimulus of seeing or smelling food. How often have you not felt hungry and watched a cooking programme on TV  then suddenly found yourself starving?

People with dementia, especially during the early stages need to feel useful and involved in day-to-day activities including food preparation. Involving loved ones in the preparation of meals also helps to boost their self-esteem and boosts their overall well-being. They can still help to prepare and chop vegetables and set the table which they may find relaxes them.

People with dementia can still help to prepare and chop vegetables and set the table which they may find relaxing. Be aware, however, that cooking can be dangerous for those with advanced dementia. If your loved one keeps forgetting to turn the oven or hob off, they risk starting a fire.

If they forget to turn it on, or can’t work out the right temperature, they risk food poisoning too. In these cases, your loved one should live in an assisted living facility where Hospitality Support services will help to take care of them.

Long-Term Complications.

Long-term complications can result from not eating a healthy diet so maintaining a good diet for people with dementia needs to be a priority. The good news is there are ways you can help. Encouraging loved ones to eat foods they enjoy and that they find easy to eat will help them benefit from the nutrients and calories they need. People with dementia, like most of us, are more likely to want to eat food that looks and smells good.

Healthiest Diet for us all.

For all of us, a Mediterranean diet is the ideal one to follow. Research has repeatedly shown that a Mediterranean-style diet is healthiest for people living with dementia.

Typically, people from regions who eat this diet outlive those from elsewhere in the world. They also suffer from far fewer strokes. Foods including fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meat and olive oil have been found to lower cholesterol and improve health. This helps people live healthier lives and avoid cardio-vascular disease which is linked to dementia. Studies have also shown that foods such as fish – which contains high levels of omega-3 – can help boost the memory so could have significant benefits for people living with dementia.




Award-winning blogger and former care columnist for Devon Life magazine. I am passionate about helping elderly people and people with dementia live purposeful and independent lives.
Designer of the Dementia Assistance Card and Points Of Light award recipient, Caron hopes to help carers when resources are limited and demand is ever-increasing. I am here to support you.