Socks for People with Lymphoedema.
Finding socks for people with Lymphoedema isn’t easy. Annoyingly, despite being an essential item you will struggle to find suitable socks for people with Lymphoedema on the High Street. Fortunately, there is an online specialist retailer to help.
What is Lymphoedema
It’s a long-term condition affecting more than 200,000 people in the UK. It causes swelling in your body’s skin tissues and usually develops in the legs. There are two types, Primary and Secondary.
What Causes Lymph0edema?
Our lymphatic system is a network of glands and channels found throughout our body. It helps fight infection and remove unwanted fluid. When this system works less effectively or fails then swelling occurs.
Primary Lymphoedema is caused by an alteration in the genes responsible for draining the fluid. This often runs in families.
Secondary lymphoedema develops in people who previously had a normal lymphatic system that becomes damaged. This is often a result of Cancer surgery where glands have had to be removed.
The swelling can affect all or part of your limbs and other areas making it difficult to fit into socks and other clothing.
Whilst there’s no cure for lymphoedema, it’s usually possible to control the main symptoms. This involves using techniques to minimise fluid build-up and stimulate the flow of fluid through the lymphatic system. One of these techniques is wearing compression garments.
Finding Socks to Fit.
Unsurprisingly, when it comes to socks for people with Lymphoedema, it’s not just a case of finding ones that fit. It’s finding socks that are comfortable and won’t dig in causing more issues. One specialist company offer the IOMI FootNurse range. They have a large range of specialist health and well-being socks designed to help your feet. They have been specially developed to help manage your symptoms.
Lymphoedema United:
Matt Hazledine has lymphoedema in his leg. He currently only wears IOMI FootNurse Diabetic & Oedema socks. This is because the soft tops don’t cut into his leg causing indentation. They also help prevent his lower leg swelling.
His company Lymphoedema United endorsed the range of Gentle Grip IOMI FootNurse socks.
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