Help with vet bills for the elderly
Many elderly people living alone rely on their pet as a source of well needed company and having one has shown to lower stress and anxiety levels.
If an elderly person has a dog it is also a great incentive to get out of the house to walk it. This offers not only exercise but also social interaction with other dog owners.
Problems arise when elderly pet owners face large vet bill which prompted me to research what help if any is available and from whom.
The Dogs Trust offer help for people in receipt of state benefits as do the PDSA who offer help to people receiving Council Tax benefit or Housing Benefit.
The RSPCA will also offer help-but what about someone elderly who is not receiving benefits and yet is faced with a huge bill following an accident say ?
My research showed there are no obvious offers of financial help for the elderly with vets bills unless they are in receipt of benefits.
My advice would be to take out some pet insurance and although money is tight for many elderly, for the peace of mind it may be a wise investment.
If you know of any help available, please let me know so I can share with readers.
I am trying to get help for a woman that has a problem paying vet bills
I am sorry to hear that Pam. Does your Vets offer a payment scheme at all? Any animal charities prepared to help ?
It’s all very well to say “take out insurance” but in *my* case the dog needs a £6000 hip replacement because of HD, and the insurance wouldn’t pay out because they say it is an existing condition.
Thank you Teresa, I plan to .
I know of no assistance for the elderly with pets. It is a scandal. Some elderly people only have their pet to talk to and if faced with going into care are more worried about their beloved pet than their own dilemma. Dreadful!
Keep up the good work.
Teresa x