Dressing yourself with limited mobility as a result of ageing or injury can seem like a challenge. A simple dressing stick is a great help. A dressing stick is simply a stick with a hook attachment.
The Silver Line
The Silver Line The founder of The Silver Line Dame Esther Rantzen shared that she was feeling deeply lonely. …
What Causes Constipation?
What causes constipation? What causes constipation is probably something we have all questioned at some point in our lives. Most, …
Activities for People with Dementia
Activities For People with Dementia My Memory Jogger (Activities for People with Dementia and Carers) Dementia is a loss of …
Do Doctors care about the elderly?
Do Doctors care about the elderly? I don’t want to be a skeptic and would like to believe all Doctors care for …
Stair lifts
Stairlifts change lives I was contacted by Jennifer Isles of Acorn Stair lifts with this case study proving what an …
Help with vet bills for the elderly
Help with vet bills for the elderly Many elderly people living alone rely on their pet as a source of …
Gifts for the elderly this Christmas
Gifts for the elderly this Christmas. Hopefully you are starting to get nicely organised? Gifts bought and wrapped …….No…..struggling to …
Assisted travel for the elderly
Assisted Travel for the elderly and disabled Having recently seen an air line passenger desperately upset and shaking having …
Food for thought
We all love good food don’t we ? The smell of a delicious meal cooking tempting the taste buds …
Sometimes I just use this platform to Rant . One of my clients is struggling to cope alone at …
Elderly Vulnerability
Lonely and alone – the vulnerability of the elderly. Case study The last couple of days have been tough at …
Why the elderly bruise badly
Why the elderly bruise badly Have you ever wondered why we seem to bruise more as we age? I am always …
Fear of falling
Fear of Falling in the elderly A fear of falling is making many elderly people prisoners in their own homes, …
Winter Fuel Payment.
Who can get the winter fuel payment and how much is it ? Don’t delay. Claim today ! The Winter …
Why do we lose our sense of taste
Why do we lose our sense of taste as we age ? Our ability to taste is …
Depression in the Elderly.
Its tough getting old. Depression and the elderly go hand in hand. Its hard to accept that you are no longer able to do what you want or need to do.
Security for the Elderly
Security for the elderly is essential, what can be done to protect them ? Many older people feel slightly more …
What is Tele-care ?
What is Tele-care ? Most of us are familiar with the emergency call bell systems for the elderly but as …
How to help someone with sight loss use a microwave
How to help someone with sight loss use a microwave Most elderly people today are microwave users, the ease at …
Test smoke alarms for the elderly
Smoke alarms save lives. How often do you test the one in the home of the elderly person you …
Helping the elderly get in and out of cars
Mobility problems make it increasingly harder to get in and out of the back seats of most cars. Elderly passengers …
Companion Bus Pass
Companion Bus Passes Many elderly people rely on local buses as their main form of transport. No longer able to …
Help at Home for the elderly
Help at Home for the elderly Many elderly people want to remain at home for as long as possible. This …
Friends of the Elderly(Charity)
There are several Charities offering both financial assistance and practical help to the elderly. The better known ones include …