There are several Charities offering both financial assistance and practical help to the elderly. The better known ones include Age Uk, and WRVS.
Friends of the Elderly aspire to a society where all older people are treated with dignity and respect and live fulfilled lives. They support older people especially those in need due to physical or mental frailty isolation or poverty. They provide high quality caring services, personalised to the needs of the individual and integrated with local communities.
As older people continue to live longer, the emotive issues of isolation, frailty and poverty become evermore apparent and affect everyone. Friends of the Elderly enhance the quality of older peoples’ lives adding real value.
Over one million older people in the UK live isolated and lonely lives. A million more feel trapped in their own homes and one in five older people see other people less than once a week.
Friends of the elderly have care homes and also offer services in the community such as day clubs, befriending, home support,dementia care and services for carers and family.
Registered charity number 226064