How to help someone with sight loss use a microwave

a silver microwave dial

 How to help someone with sight loss use a microwave

Most elderly people today are microwave users, the ease at which a ready meal can be cooked helps many remain independent. This independence  is lost though if the user develops age related macular degeneration which causes the loss of central vision.

The question is how to help someone with sight loss use a microwave?

The best microwaves for the elderly are the simply dial ones without too many different buttons and confusing options, I don’t even use any of the pre-set functions on mine !

One of my clients has very poor sight now and the best way he knows how long to heat something for is to turn the dial a 1/4 turn towards the window. I am just about to order him something to help called “Bumpons”.

raised coloured bumps to help identify on/off buttons , etc

This product is a simple and effective way to mark everyday items around the house. The raised plastic bumps are supplied on self-adhesive sheets and available in a range of sizes, shapes and colours for marking different equipment such as cooking times on a microwave with each bump signifying 5 minutes say.

These can also be used for showing the on/off position for the washing machine etc.

 You can purchase your Bumpons here costing only £3.18 before P&P

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Award-winning blogger and former care columnist for Devon Life magazine. I am passionate about helping elderly people and people with dementia live purposeful and independent lives.
Designer of the Dementia Assistance Card and Points Of Light award recipient, Caron hopes to help carers when resources are limited and demand is ever-increasing. I am here to support you.


  1. Hello Arlene,

    Thanks so much for letting me know about Tacti Mark. I will research it and write an article. Great to share useful info for the benefit of others.

  2. Hi! Just found your webpage and now ordered some yellow bumpons from the RNIB.

    I thought I would just mention another product they sell called, ‘Tacti Mark’ which is an orange liquid plastic in a tube that dries when squeezed out. Another option to help make life easier.
    Thank you!

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