this image shows a red shield and the words NACAS

Care Workers Organisations

this image shows a hand being held

Care workers Organisation

At long last a professional body for carers

The National Association of Care and Support Workers

The National Association of Care and Support workers are the first organisation of its kind to be able to secure a meeting with the Government. The cabinet admitted ( for its sins)  that it was the first time someone from the social care sector was being listened to. This is possibly one of the reasons so many good carers are leaving to work in Sainsbury’s at the moment (other supermarkets do exist)

This is a huge opportunity for the 1.2 million care workers out there to have your say. As they say “Speak now, or forever hold your tongue”

Aims & Objectives

NACAS has a clear vision and aims and objectives which are:

  • to raise the professional standards of our vocation
  • to create and maintain a voluntary register of NACAS accredited and verified care and support workers
  • to be recognised as the National Body for care workers in the UK, and to be a major stakeholder in the social care sector
  • to address the low pay support and care workers receive
  • to gain the respect and recognition our vocation deserves
  • to campaign for a statutory Induction Programme for new people joining our profession
  • to campaign for better, more fit for purpose training for care and support workers, and the development of a National Care Worker Qualification
  • to campaign for better screening of people wishing to become care and support workers
  • to campaign for better terms and conditions of employment, improved job security and less of a reliance on zero hour contracts
  • to provide representation for our members


We will do this by:

  • working collaboratively with all UK social care regulators
  • working toward accreditation with the Professional Standards Authority for Social Care
  • working in partnership with all social care stakeholders
  • working in partnership with trade unions
  • working with governments at all levels
  • working with other industry related organisations, such as training providers and educators
  • working in partnership with other like-minded organisations who have a vested interest in the rights and welfare of care and support workers
  • engaging with care providers in the private and public sector

Join today for only £3 per month, little more than the cost of a coffee and be recognised for the professional you really are.



Award-winning blogger and former care columnist for Devon Life magazine. I am passionate about helping elderly people and people with dementia live purposeful and independent lives.
Designer of the Dementia Assistance Card and Points Of Light award recipient, Caron hopes to help carers when resources are limited and demand is ever-increasing. I am here to support you.

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