Use it or Lose it, Staying Independent
You know how the saying goes ‘use it or lose it’ well sometimes we need a helping hand to do so. Many disabled and elderly people face challenges in everyday life. I like the word challenge as it suggests there is a solution, something or someone to help make life easier.
Old age doesn’t come alone and having worked with elderly people for most of my adult life I have observed and helped people overcome many challenges from putting on compression stockings to washing their feet when they can’t bend to reach them.
A willing mind is the first step, coupled with a chat with an Occupational therapist which can be arranged via your GP. Doctors are keen to encourage activity as it is well documented how staying active is beneficial to both physical and mental health. For inspiration, there are many people sharing their thoughts on living well with a disability and you should check out this article about the best disability resources.
Wheeled walking aids come in many shapes and sizes, some double as shopping trolleys meaning people can concentrate on walking well, and not carrying bags. Flexyfoot walking stick ferrules offer an unbeatable degree of safety for use on all surfaces, even pebbles, and ice.
Many elderly people fear becoming a burden to their family often refusing offers of help.” They’re too busy”. “They have their own lives” I often hear said. There are lots of ways to stay independent.
Mobility scooters are a godsend to less able legs but there are many considerations to bear in mind before buying one. With close to 400,000 in use in the UK, we have been dubbed “Scooter capital’ of Europe. Ownership is only set to soar as our population ages and lives longer and why not? Using a scooter gives you independence, allows you to stay in touch with friends and get out for some lovely fresh air. Please ensure you make your scooter highly visible in months. This can be done with a high vis vest.
Technology can also play its’ part with Alexa being the new girl on the block. Able to tell you the time, turn lights on and off and play music in response to your vocal command, Alexa can help in many ways. Many people also find Facebook groups a huge source of support, and you can be assured if you have a problem – someone has a solution.
In the kitchen, there are many gadgets to help such as one-handed chopping boards, kettle tippers, and electric can openers. Many companies deliver fresh or frozen meals to homes ensuring you can still eat well especially if you live alone.