Nutrition & Hydration Week 2014 is here and will see nationwide action across social and health care settings to raise awareness and improve understanding of the vital importance of good nutrition and hydration . This is matter close to my heart as I work to ensure my clients eat well.
When it comes to the elderly and their dietary needs little and often is the key. Everyone focusses on mealtimes when it comes to nutrition and hydration and the message of three meals and two snacks a day is embraced by the National Association of Care Catering.
Afternoon tea is ideal as it fits into every care situation, be it in residential homes, day care, or in the community through meal services and community support. It also adds an important social dimension for the elderly. Everyone is encouraged to get involved, even if afternoon tea is only shared with one person.
Caroline Lecko, Patient Safety lead for NHS England commented: “We are keen to engage everyone, no matter where they care for someone, in providing an afternoon tea on Wednesday 19 March. It is important that carers remember that nutritional intake takes place outside the three main meals of the day, and we see the concept of an afternoon tea focusing our message on this key aspect of nutritional care.”
Nutrition & Hydration Week 2014 will focus on positive action. It will provide vital advice and guidance to health and social professionals on the action that can be taken to help prevent under-nutrition and dehydration and help relieve the stress caused to health and social care services by both conditions.