Home Sweet Home
Around three in five (59 per cent) of people aged 75 to 85 do not want to go into a residential care home when they can no longer look after themselves, a new survey has revealed. The majority of respondents to the poll by Partnership said they would prefer to rely on home care services if they needed them, while half also said they did not want their children to have to look after them.
Many people accept that their living circumstances will change as they get older, with some needing to make a quick home sale so they can relocate to a home that better suits their needs. However, nearly a quarter of respondents said they would be happy to go into residential care if they needed to.
“The attitudes of the older generations towards their own needs are changing and they are very keen to maintain their independence as they get older. They do not want to have to go into a residential care home, but equally, they do not wish to become a burden to their children if they stay at home.
How do you feel? Does anyone really choose to go into residential care themselves or is this a decision made at the point of crisis?