With thoughts turning to a New Year and Resolutions are we taking enough responsibility for our own health.
Working with the elderly allows me to work in the future everyday and with those who have lived a far more restrained lifestyle than later generations. It is hard enough ageing without adding to the list of problems.
With the NHS under increasing pressure to meet growing needs of the elderly, should those of us who are younger not take more responsibility for our health now
If we smoke , drink heavily and eat an unhealthy diet should we still expect treatment for inflicted illnesses which could have been prevented ?
If we did receive treatment and continued with our former lifestyle should we be surprised if we are refused subsequent care ?
In the past the information was not available but now we have no excuses we all know the risks and yet so many choose the “Live for today” attitude.
All good and well but many of us will still make it to older age and in far poorer health than need be.
“Live for today but bear in mind there will probably be a tomorrow”