Reducing your risk of developing dementia
More people fear developing Dementia than Cancer and according to the Alzheimer’s Society there are five simple lifestyle measures that can we can all take to reduce the risk of developing it.
One – Eat a more Mediterranean Diet
Add more vegetables, fruit, fish, olive oil and nuts to your diet. Add a little red wine too and reduce the amount of red meats and dairy products.
Two – Take more exercise.
There is evidence that regular exercise will prevent dementia more than any other measure. Experts from Aston University’s Centre for Healthy Ageing stated that a 30 minute walk each day was more effective in preventing dementia and other diseases than medication.
Three – Quit Smoking
Sorry to nag you smokers out there but smoking damages the blood vessels and reduces the amount of blood flowing to the brain. There is lots of help available to help you stop. If I can do it – so can you. In some cases people do love a quitter!
Four – Use it or Lose it !
We should all know this. To maintain good brain health you need to be using it. Take up a new hobby, read more or do some puzzles. Anything that taxes the brain is good. TV quiz shows are also ideal.
Five – Keep up the Check Ups !
Other medical conditions such as Diabetes and high blood pressure also increase the risk of developing Dementia so keep up the check ups to keep them under control
Great tips, Caron – and so simple!!
Anybody and everybody can do at least 4 out of the 5 – and most people can do all of them.
Good health at very low cost!