“Guide to long and short term care”
The Telegraph money department have produced a comprehensive guide to the mine field of finding long and short term care. I will be honest and admit that I will benefit from reading this as I have not yet had to navigate the care system for a loved and as naive as many not knowing where to start.
It is available as a downloadable pdf or as a paper copy. I am despite my love of all things on line a paper girl when it comes to learning so I will also be requesting a paper copy.
The guide written by Emma Simon and produced in association with Bupa Care Homes will answer all the questions you may have about the care system in the UK, from finding the right type of care, to advice on how you will pay for it.
All too often people often have to make life-changing care decisions at very short notice. This is why it can be best to arm yourself with as much information as early as possible. This guide hopefully provides a useful starting point, so you understand the main issues involved and know where to go for more detailed advice when you need it.
You can preview the guide to short and long term care here using this link longtermcare and also apply for your own copy in either format here.