Free eye test at home for anyone over 6o who is unable to visit a High Street optician.
There are few benefits of getting older apart from perhaps the free bus pass and senior citizens discounts. Working in partnership with Lloyds Pharmacy, The Outside Clinic have added another.
Any one aged over 60 who finds it difficult to get out without assistance, is now entitled to a Free eye test at home. If you don’t want the free NHS one you can request to have a private one.
The free eye test at home is conducted by a fully qualified, registered and experienced optician who lives and works in the locality. They will bring all the necessary equipment to give you a complete test of your eye sight and health. The optometrist also brings a wide range of frames for the customer to select from and many are entitled to free frames and lenses if they are in receipt of certain benefits.
The Outside Clinic has been established for 25 years and every year they help tens of thousands of people all over the country. Their glasses also come with free fitting, free after care and a free helpline for anyone wanting help or advice.
To book a free eye test at home for someone who qualifies simply call this Freephone number;
0800 954 9100.