Helping the disabled eat independently can be achieved using dignity plates
Following a stroke many elderly people lose the use of one arm. This can cause difficulties in many tasks of daily living including feeding themselves. This in turn reduces their independence
Dignity plates are available which are sloped with a higher ridge to one side allowing the person to fill their spoon or fork without the need to use their other hand.
They are available in 3 colours and designed to compliment existing crockery.
Wade are well known for their quality ceramics since the company formed in 1810 in Stoke- on- Trent. This new range of plates have been designed by Wade’s acclaimed team in conjunction with Healthcare Professionals following research with elderly and disabled people.
Wade Ceramics have acknowledged research led by Professor Andrews and her team in the Dementia Services Development Centre, Stirling University which has been invaluable in the development of this range.
These plates can also help people with visual impairments because of the colours chosen and people with arthritis when gripping cutlery with both hands may be difficult to co-ordinate.
They are also ideal for anyone with an arm in plaster unable to grip cutlery or bend their arm.
Clicking the link below will take you to Amazon where many stockist have supplies of Wade dignity plates.
Helping the disabled eat independently these plates vary in price and although more expensive than general crockery but maintains not only dignity but self-esteem, no one really wants to be fed their meals unless essential.
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