Road safety and the elderly this winter.
There have been several instances recently when driving along one of the busy main roads in my town and seen elderly pedestrians in the middle of it! Road safety and the elderly is an increasingly important issue.
Standing there, attempting to dodge the traffic, crossing the road using a walking stick as a sword to cut through it ! suicidal I then realised although this is the nightmare of road safety , the road design of yesterear does not help our elderly today and will do so less in the future . Lets prevent accidents, please.
The Government and Highways agencies need to understand we need more and more road crossings. As the population ages drivers still need to be able to use the roads in a safely , not stopping constantly for pedestrians who are unable to walk as far as the next designated crossing.
Even road islands help – half way across and safe from traffic is something!
I am giving away high visibility stickers for anyone caring for an elderly person who would benefit from them. They are suitable for walking sticks, walking aids, wheelchairs and mobility scooters.
Keep our elderly safe , Keep them seen !