Ensure your loved ones clothes stay with them.
If your loved one is in hospital or a residential home then there is always a chance their clothes may go missing. A wonderful solution to this is the “Attach-A-Tag”
The Attach-a-Tag Starter Kit contains everything you need to label clothing and contains the name etched on 30 or 50 tags (depending on how many you order), retainers, instructions and the dolphin applicator for you to apply your tags.
The removal tool is cleverly integrated into the base of the dolphin applicator and the starter kit is suitable for family and individual use. The Attach-A-Tag tags are washable and don’t require sewing or ironing in. I wish I had had these when my sons were at school !
To order your attach a tag please click here . Guaranteed not to come off Attach-A-Tag
is the simple and quick way to label clothing, towels and other soft objects. It couldn’t be simpler, let the company know what name you want, purchase your applicator and labelling garments has never been so quick and easy. Even the kids can do it! Also ideal for school uniforms.
Here is a short video showing how easy it is to use.
Hello lesley, here is a link to the company themselves.http://www.attachatag.com/ if you get a chance please say you heard about them from Caron Cares. Please help me spread the word about the website and many thanks for your interest.
The Attach-a-Tag is out of stock and they don’t know when they will be getting any more. Was going to send it to my daughters in law for the kids stuff too.