Love it or hate it, most of us were raised on Marmite
There is a really important reason for us all but especially someone elderly to continue eating it too.
Scientists have found that high doses of niacin, or vitamin B3, massively boost the body’s defences against staphylococcus bacteria which is responsible for the MRSA bug which is responsible for 1/5 of all hospital infection deaths. Each year approximately 300,000 people, or nine in every 100, who go into hospital will pick up an infection there.
Of these, about 5,000 will die.
Isolating infected patients and ensuring staff clean their hands regularly will help, but experts estimate only about 15% of infections would be prevented by such measures.
MRSA infection is not just confined to hospitals. Outside hospitals, people may carry MRSA without it causing harm to themselves or others.
In tests, the immune system’s ability to kill different strains of the bugs, including MRSA, was increased up to 1,000 times
The discovery could mark a turning point in the battle against growing numbers of antibiotic-resistant superbugs.
One of the most notorious is MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), a potentially deadly strain that poses a major threat in hospitals.
Marmite is especially rich in B vitamins, including niacin and it is rare for someone to lack sufficient in their body
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