B Vitamins and good brain health
How to keep a brain healthy. Eat a tin of sardines a day!
High levels of the amino acid homocysteine are linked to brain shrinkage and an increased risk of Dementia.
B vitamins are known to suppress homocysteine and a study carried out in 2010 showed that an increased rate of brain wasting often seen in older adults especially those suffering from cognitive decline.
Homocysteine is a risk factor for brain atrophy (wasting) cognitive impairment and dementia. Plasma concentrations of homocysteine can be lowered by dietary administration of B vitamins.
The study proved that the people who consumed foods/supplements containing high vitamin B levels had lower levels of decline.
B vitamins and good brain health. The following foods contain good levels of vitamin B.
- sardines
- clams
- fortified breakfast cereals
- mackeral
- crab
- red meat
- tofu
- cheeses
- eggs
A useful source of B vitamins are sardines and a tin a day is supposed to contain enough to supply the brain with what it needs.