This year the only Christmas film anyone needs to watch is this one !
What would your pledge be ? Please leave me a comment at the bottom of this page. Mine would be to check on Joyce my elderly neighbour more often than I currently do
Whilst we are all rushing around frantically trying to finish our preparations in time for the festivities of next week, spare a thought for the thousands of elderly people spending it alone.
Friends of the Elderly is a charity dedicated to providing support for older people.
They have been dedicated to supporting older people for over 100 years and will continue to do so in the future.
They have a range of services including residential care homes, specialist dementia care, day clubs, home and telephone support. Their grant giving service has been in existence since 1905 and continues to provide grants to those in most need.
Their Vision:
They aspire to a society where all older people are treated with respect and have the opportunity to live fulfilled lives.
Their mission:
Friends of the Elderly will support older people, particularly those in need due to frailty, isolation or lack of adequate resources.
They do this by providing high quality caring services, personalised to the needs of the individual, integrated with local communities and dedicated to promoting the independence, well-being, dignity and peace of mind of each person with whom they work.
Their beliefs and values
•The unique worth of each person at all times
•The rights of the older person to the resources necessary to maintain a decent quality of life
•The importance of holistic care and support
•The value of community interaction
•A consistently professional approach
•Valuing people’s passion and skills
Care homes, Day clubs, Home support, Befriending, Dementia care, Grants, Volunteering, Fundraising, Corporate support
It may be a little late for Christmas cards for 2013 but please bear it in mind that Christmas 2014 will be sooner than we know it and Friends of the elderly have their own fund raising ones.