The easy way to put on compression stockings
Many elderly people are advised to wear compression stockings to increase the circulation in their legs.
Compression stockings (also called graduated compression stockings) can be used to prevent as well as treat a number of conditions that affect the circulation of blood in your legs.
- DVT. This is a blood clot in a deep vein,usually in your leg. If the blood clot breaks loose, it can travel to your lungs and block a blood vessel there causing a pulmonary embolism
- Varicose veins. These are swollen veins that lie under your skin (superficial veins) that look lumpy and dark blue or purple through your skin. They usually affect your legs, particularly your calf and sometimes your thigh, and are caused by damaged valves in your veins.
- Venous leg ulcers. These are areas of broken skin usually near your ankle. They are often caused by problems with the valves in your leg veins.
- Fluid build-up in your legs (oedema). This can be a result of problems with the veins in your legs, but can also occur during pregnancy or as a result of heart failure and other medical conditions.
Compression stockings are available in several sizes, lengths and colours. They are also available with different strengths of compression from class I to III. Class I stockings apply the least amount of pressure and class III stockings apply a much higher pressure. Compression stockings may cover your whole foot or they may be open at the toes.
Have you ever tried to put a pair of these compression stockings on someone else ?
If so you will know it is not easy unaided.
There are lots of useful gadgets to help such as the “Caran” which I used recently.
However this device does not help stretch the stocking over the toes and is less practical as many elderly people cannot reach their toes and I personally find the initial task of stretching the stocking to fit over the toes the biggest challenge.
The device below is useful as you place the stocking on the aid first and then slide your toes in .
Here is a really clear video showing exactly how to use it.
Previous videos have shown the user wearing rubber gloves, which I thought was strange. However the reasons for doing so are as follows
- It prevents damage to the compression stocking from nails and rings
- It increases the grip available
Other useful tips are
- To apply the stocking first thing in the morning when swelling would be at its lowest
- Ensure legs are perfectly dry
- Apply a little talc to the legs to ensure a smooth glide.
Brilliant, I have learnt so much and could have saved myself so much trouble in the past !!!