Safe and easy – remote controlled help for the elderly. For a ridiculously affordable £14 or less you can help …
Flexy foot ferrules
Introducing a new concept in walking stick ferrules I saw these in my local branch of Boots chemist and thought …
Fall prevention and medication
Did you know that if someone takes more than four prescription medications per day they are at an increased risk …
What to do after a fall.
What to do after a fall Falls can happen to anyone but as we age the chances of having one …
What is Tele-care ?
What is Tele-care ? Most of us are familiar with the emergency call bell systems for the elderly but as …
I always thought vertigo was a fear of heights which I experience despite 10 parachute jumps to try and cure …
Commodes may help prevent falls Many elderly people need to visit the loo at night .The combination of walking in …