What do you do when someone dies at home?

a calla lily on a black background No one likes to talk about death but what do you do when someone dies at home ?

It has always worried me that one day I may go in and find one of my clients dead.

Not a pleasant thought but a realistic one.

If you suspect  an elderly person has died at home unexpectedly, the first thing to do is call 999 and ask for an ambulance immediately.

The operator will give you instructions to carry out resuscitation if possible and when  paramedics arrive, they will carry out resuscitation and/or confirm the death.

You should also ask for the police immediately making sure the area is untouched, except for any action needed for resuscitation. This may seem alarmist but if the death was not expected then it is treated as a sudden death. They will then arrange for the body to be moved by a funeral director acting for the coroner or if you are in Scotland the procurator fiscal.

If the death was anticipated

You should contact the deceased’s GP or nearest doctor.

If the  death happened during the night, you don’t need to contact the doctor until the following morning unless you want to. They will then issue the death certificate.

If the cause of death is known and was from natural causes

The doctor will issue the death certificate which will enable you to register the death and you may call a funeral director of your choice as soon as you feel you want to.

They provide a 24-hour service and can arrange for the deceased to be taken to a funeral home at any time – day or night.

If the doctor is unsure about the cause of death

Even if it was clearly from natural causes, or if the deceased died suddenly and had not seen their doctor in the past 14 days, he/she will contact the coroner who may order a post mortem examination.

This will determine the cause of death and provide the necessary forms and certificates.

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Award-winning blogger and former care columnist for Devon Life magazine. I am passionate about helping elderly people and people with dementia live purposeful and independent lives.
Designer of the Dementia Assistance Card and Points Of Light award recipient, Caron hopes to help carers when resources are limited and demand is ever-increasing. I am here to support you.

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