Old Jewellery raises money for the Alzheimers Society.
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A scheme that recycles old, unwanted and even broken jewellery continues to raise well needed funds for the Alzheimers Society. The Old Jewellery Appeal has run for nearly 25 years with London Jeweller Nicholas Mulligs raising more than £900,000.
Someone in the Netherlands said they had donated several items of jewellery which they had kept for sentimental reasons. In time they had realised they wouldn’t wear them and parted with them happily knowing they were going to be used in a good way and even started to comb the house for more items.
All types of jewellery are accepted for resale, repair, recycling or remodelling. This does not only apply to gold or silver but items like the odd earing, cufflink, costume jewellery, beads and watches.
A supporter in Warwickshire, Jean Ross said she had mentioned this to friends at several groups she attends and was overwhelmed at the response she received.
I am just off to order some bags myself and I will ask my social care clients if they have any old jewellery they no longer want or need and do my bit to help. After all it costs nothing to raise money this way and I am always in favour of free fundraising.
Talking of which using my Amazon link on Caron Cares when you want to shop there costs you no more and I earn 5% commission.This is going to raise money to fund more Admiral Nurses to care for and support people with dementia.
Use this link to shop on Amazon & raise funds for Charity at no extra cost to yourself.