Free First Aid Courses


this image shows the logo for first aid a green square with a white cross

NCC Home Learning are offering the public 1000 free courses in order to raise awareness of how to deal with diabetes, as well as general first aid awareness

Following an incident where a member of NCC Home Learning staff had to be given first aid in a McDonald’s Drive-thru, managers at NCC Home Learning considered how to best support the general public in having the confidence to help anyone requiring first aid. With many first aid courses only being offered through work, or otherwise costing the individual considerably, their best way of reaching out was to offer free courses. The company has generously decided to offer 1000 free first aid and diabetes awareness courses.

Charlotte, an NCC Home Learning staff member required first aid at McDonald’s due to having a diabetic seizure midway through eating a mozzarella dipper, causing her to choke. Had a brave man not rushed over to perform the Heimlich manoeuvre on Charlotte, her outlook would have been much worse. Charlotte’s story can be found at:

NCC Home Learning have been so determined to offer so many free courses because they truly believe in the benefits of having confident members of the public willing to do their bit to save the lives of others. As Charlotte’s seizure was due specifically to diabetes, NCC Home Learning have been alerted to the importance of raising awareness of what to do if someone has had a diabetic seizure.

Courses can be signed up to at the following address:

Founders of NCC Home Learning have over 20 years’ experience in adult education. The company offers in excess of 350 distance learning courses from a variety of sectors. All of their courses are accredited by the appropriate professional bodies.


Award-winning blogger and former care columnist for Devon Life magazine. I am passionate about helping elderly people and people with dementia live purposeful and independent lives.
Designer of the Dementia Assistance Card and Points Of Light award recipient, Caron hopes to help carers when resources are limited and demand is ever-increasing. I am here to support you.

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