

this image shows someone yawning

Tiredness in later life

Many people say they feel they are slowing down as they get older. Even my bionic Mother admits to needing to take things a little easier now she is over 70.

Following a stroke, however many people feel a real increase in tiredness and find they lack energy as they age.Tiredness and lack of energy are very common after a stroke. Sometimes this tiredness can feel overwhelming leaving them with little energy, or motivation, for everyday tasks.

Tiredness affects everyone differently. As well as a general lack of energy some people also find it harder to concentrate or make decisions. For some people, the tiredness is expressed with irritation or they find themselves becoming upset. Sometimes the tiredness can affect a person’s memory making it harder for them to remember things.

Even though tired, some people still struggle to sleep and this obviously then just makes the problem worse. I know of  people who are so badly affected they become withdrawn from family and friends.

Here are a few ideas that can make a small difference in someone’s life. Some simple ways to save some energy. Suggest maybe they person lets the dishes drip dry rather than drying them up, even better get a dishwasher. It is also a good idea to sit down to do as many activities as possible such as preparing or cooking food or ironing.

It can be helpful to use a shopping trolley inside the house to transport several items easily at once, saving more journeys from room to room than necessary. Online shopping or shopping from catalogues can make life easier. Oakhouse Foods also deliver food and groceries to the door with there “Grocery and more” service.

Using a grab stick also helps with less bending it that is also a challenge and suggest the person you care for doesn’t lift heavy items even if they get tempted to. It is not a failing to ask for help, it keeps them independent. It is also a good idea to pace yourself. Taking more time to do chores and tasks is also more relaxing and demands less energy.

It is also a good idea to ensure someone elderly is not anaemic as this can really make tiredness worse. A  diet full of leafy greens helps as do some supplements and a good dose of Vitamin D from the spring sunshine is always a wonderful tonic.

It is also good to unwind, enjoy a good TV show or read an interesting book. Sometimes focussing and worrying about something that isn’t right makes the situation worse.


Award-winning blogger and former care columnist for Devon Life magazine. I am passionate about helping elderly people and people with dementia live purposeful and independent lives.
Designer of the Dementia Assistance Card and Points Of Light award recipient, Caron hopes to help carers when resources are limited and demand is ever-increasing. I am here to support you.

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