If you know someone older who has hearing loss and is looking for a mobile phone then what should you be looking for?
It’s a minefield out there and I don’t know about you but I feel some reviews seem like sales patter. It was therefore lovely to read this genuine review of the Amplicomms M8000. Readers can also have a 10% discount via Hearing Direct.com by quoting CC10 when placing a first order with them.
Product review – amplicomms M8000
I have been asked to test and review this new mobile phone just before our family’s summer holiday in Mallorca in August. From the outset I liked the way this phone was so easy to set up and understand. My Sim Card slotted in perfectly and I was able to start using it right away.
This phone comes with a well prepared user guide which I could actually understand! I have charged it fully before our holiday and 10 days later the battery was still half-full so I was happy with that too.
I have lived with moderate hearing loss all my life. I suffer with this in both ears and use dual hearing aids from a young age. Whilst I do not consider myself ‘old’ at 67 I have always struggled using some types of phones, mainly due to the interference generated by my hearing aids.
I tried to sort this out many times with my audiologists but it was never perfect. Using many types of phones never provided a 100% solution. If you use hearing aids you may have experienced this and understand how frustrating this can be at times.
The amplicomms M8000 has been the best phone I have used so far in terms of sound quality. It is loud and the sound is crystal clear. It has an external button on the handset dedicated to adjusting the tone control. I found this easy to use and very useful. This feature has made a real difference tothe quality of conversation I have managed to make.
I have tested the phone both with and without the ‘T’ setting and could hear very well in both options, so its hearing aid compatibility is clearly not just on paper. When using the handset on the ‘T’ setting the sound was louder, without any surrounding noises – very intelligible!
The handset is rather ‘chunky’ compared to more modern slim handsets I see in the shops, and the colour choice of silver and black may not be my personal preference. But that is personal choice I suppose. On the upside the M8000 has a large keypad which is easy to see day or night.
The display is large and bright too, with excellent oversized characters. There was also an option of voice commands for the keypad and Caller ID which I switched off. I found it easy to make calls, read or write text messages. I was told this phone is ‘3G’ compatible which means it can work all over the world with any sim card, indeed immediately after landing in Spain the phone worked connected to the local network seamlessly with my English sim card.
There are various adjustments and options to choose from. Evidently the manufacturer has given thought to adaptation of the handset for people with hearing loss. There are buttons on the side of the handset to adjust the tone and volume, and a dedicated button to activate the camera and take photos. The quality of pictures was good, and we even took a video clip whilst having a meal in Palma at our last evening. Upon arriving home my son copied the pictures and video clip from phone to my computer – what a great souvenir from a lovely holiday!
If what you are after is a ‘gadgety’ smart phone with email, internet or music player this is probably not the one for you. However, the M8000 is a good mobile phone which I enjoyed using. I recommend it for people like me who need a mobile phone to make calls or send text messages.
Certainly recommended for hard of hearing. I would also recommend it for people with poor eyesight who may well find the large characters and voice commands beneficial. It is a simple handset with Bluetooth, camera and excellent loud sound.
I was told the cost of this phone is £100 which I feel is about right for what you get.
Peter McKinley, Dundee
Don’t forget you can have a 10% discount via Hearing Direct.com by quoting CC10 when placing a first order with them.