Good nutrition for the elderly especially when they lack appetite
With so much discussion about obesity currently, it is also important to remember that being too thin is not healthy and good nutrition for the elderly is vital to maintain good health and well being.
This is difficult to maintain due to lack of appetite, social factors, depression, poor dental health and just a lack of energy and enthusiasm to cook a decent balanced meal.
Being too thin is not just an issue for some young people, plenty of elderly people are not eating enough which can result in
- poor immune system
- increased risk of falling
- constipation
- dry flaky skin
Indicators that someone is not eating well obviously include clothing becoming loose, rings slipping off and the general look of weight loss that also shows in the face.
The Dairy Council have produced a set of materials including a set of postcards containing practical recipes and tips for people not eating enough and their campaign Bring it Back is endorsed by
- Age UK,
- The National Pharmacists Association,
- Guys and St Thomas’s NHS Foundation Trust,
- The Malnutrition Task Force
- Contact the Elderly.
Thank you Elizabeth, I do try to share useful information and Caron Cares is my passion.My husband will tell you he has become a blog widower over the last four years but he supports my work. Please tell others about it.
This is an excellent site with some very good advice