Security for the elderly is essential, what can be done to protect them ?
Many older people feel slightly more vulnerable at home nowadays. In years gone by you always knew who your neighbour was and could leave your doors unlocked. Sadly how times have changed. There are several steps you can take to ensure an elderly person is protected.
According to the Home Office, the elderly are no more at risk from crime than any other section of society. But if you know someone who may feel vulnerable, follow these top tips to keep them safe.
- Keep possessions safe by securing their home. They may be entitled to help towards paying for security improvements from their local council. Check with the housing department about these payments
- Don’t let them keep large amounts of money in their home. Keep it in a bank or building society where it is much safer
- Encourage them to get to know their neighbours
- Make sure they have good exterior lighting
. Call the council and let them know if street lights have broken in their road.
- It is especially important not to remind them not to let strangers into their home. Fit a door chain
/door bar and viewer. window locks
are available which allow the window to be opened enough for fresh air but not wide enough to allow someone to gain access.
- Remind them to never give out personal details such as credit card information to strangers who come to their door or call on the telephone
- Remind them to never let a maintenance or service man who has just turned up at your door into their home
- Remind them to always check ID of maintenance men that they may be expecting. They can check these details with their employer before they let them in. Some may use a pre-arranged password system to protect vulnerable people but if in doubt – ask them to come back when someone else is with you.