Losing a loved one is a devastating experience. Settld offers you support and help when you need it most. Almost immediately after a bereavement, you find yourself forced into action. Notifying the relevant departments of your loss is hard enough but having to do so multiple times makes your loss even more unbearable. This is where a new service can help. Settld takes care of these notifications for you.
Why Settld?
Simply because you shouldn’t have to keep telling different companies that you have lost a loved one. Reliving the grief and pain with every phone call is impossible and now unnecessary.
Award-Winning Service
Settld reports a death to multiple companies in one go and requests any credit owed to the estate. Working with over 1,300 leading organisations their basic service is offered free of charge. These organisations include Banks, Building Societies, Energy suppliers, Insurance companies, Telecoms, Credit card and loan providers.
They do request a nominal donation of £10 to cover costs, but only if affordable. Their services have been featured on the BBC, in Which, The Metro, Forbe Magazine, Good Housekeeping and the Independent.
How Settld Works
Firstly visit Settld and sign up for their service. They simply ask for contact details at this point. You also need to confirm you are giving them consent to act on your behalf.
You will then receive a welcome email where you can log back into your account. You can take your time and easily enter the details of the companies you need to notify on your dashboard.
This will take you some time, but it prevents you from having to repeatedly phone and explain your loss to strangers. You will still need details of their accounts and you can also upload relevant documentation here. Once you have provided Settld with the information they require, the rest is down to them. They will then contact service providers, banks etc on your behalf. They will assign you an assistant who is your point of contact. You can contact and ask questions at any time using Whats App.
Regular Updates
You will find regular updates on your dashboard and weekly emails, helping you stay in control.
What More Can They Do?
Apart from their free-to-use service, Settld is also able to locate missing assets such as savings accounts & life assurance policies that you might not be aware of. They also work with specialist advisers who can help with Probate, house clearances and sales of property. Here is a summary of their full Concierge Assistance service. They work as introducers, putting you in touch with professionals who can help.