Put your phone down
…..and start a conversation.
Much as the internet and smartphones are amazing, helpful, informative etc.etc. more and more people are using them to communicate rather than talking to one another. The result of this is a lack of conversation in public, especially a chat with someone who is alone.
50% of elderly admitted recently to feeling lonely some if not all of the time and it affects younger people too. Some people are also finding they are losing confidence in public situations as they have forgotten or lack certain people skills such as eye contact.
My “Happy to Share” cards have been around for a year now and to me they are still as vital as they were when I designed them and especially at the moment, just after Christmas when people have maybe had time to consider those less fortunate or just more lonely.
I have spent some time contacting charities, organisations, celebrities and the media to share the idea with them in the hope they will copy it and make it the norm to see them in public.
The Huffington Post have contacted me and hope to place an article in their Kindness 31 section which may gain some attention, we shall see. Twitter is good because you know who will see your message and you can tweet people that may be able to help. I will keep you posted. x