Charities and Medical authorities publish health statistics according to their medical speciality. Below are listed some interesting facts gathered from Cancer Research , Office of National Statistics amongst other sources and are used by Life Insurance companies.
Fast Facts
– One in two people in Britain will have a cancer diagnosed at some point during their life.
– Less than 10% of all strokes are fatal.
– The possibility of surviving a critical illness before age 65 is almost twice as great as dying.
– Over 26,000 major work-place injuries were reported in 2009/2010.
– In the UK, 70% of women with breast cancer are treated by breast conservation e.g. lumpectomy,cystectomy or partial mastectomy.
– Almost two thirds of all women newly diagnosed with breast cancer are now likely to survive for at least 20 years.
– In 2012 around 43,456 men were diagnosed with prostate cancer in the UK, 10,837 deaths from the cancer and 84 % of those surviving living for a further 10 years.
– The average ten year cancer survival rate has doubled over the last 30 years.
I hope you found these statistics of interest ? I did and although some of the figures seem alarming, the fact survival rates are increasing is encouraging.