I am delighted to announce that Caron Cares has been selected as a winner in the Care Advice Awards 2015. This was a lovely surprise to me as this was something I hadn’t entered and shows that little by little Caron Cares is being noticed by people. Caron Cares also received a lovely write up …….. here it is,
Caron Cares
Caron Cares is a blog run by an independent carer of the elderly. Her blog offers a huge resource of over 600 articles and posts about caring for an elderly person here with ideas and suggestions on how you can help keep them independent and safe in their home.
Caron writes with real passion and insight because she genuinely cares about the well-being of the elderly and see’s on a daily basis the struggles they endure and how they can be helped.
About the awards.
(Copied directly from the email I received.)
The CARE Advice Awards are designed to recognise the very best care advice available for both consumers and the care sector alike. The Awards are open to every type of resource that provides care advice, both on line and offline, including magazines, forums and blogs. The qualifying criteria include:
- Clear, concise information
- Good use of case studies
- Good signposting to other sources of information and support
- Practical advice and FAQs
- Good navigation (for online resources)
These awards are designed to dovetail with our recent initiative, the CARE checklist, which we launched to coincide with NHS Change Day in March this year. The idea of the checklist is to enable patients’ relatives to have easy access to a simple checklist which will help identify whether basic but vital care procedures are being missed in hospitals and care homes.
Winning criteria
The winners have been chosen because they have focused on the needs of the person seeking information about care, regardless of whether it is for themselves or for a relative. They have given lots of practical advice and taken readers / viewers through the process step by step. We would commend these sites as ‘go to’ sources of information for anyone needing advice on care in the UK.
Inspiration behind the Award
Jeanette Whyman, a partner at Wright Hassall, regularly deals with complaints involving the care sector, particularly care for elderly. She understands the frustrations of those trying to navigate their way round the care sector from her own experience of doing so when her mother was ill: “The idea came about partly because of the growing number of very sad medical claims I deal with but also as a result of my own Mum’s stay in hospital and the personal frustration I faced trying to flag up my concerns to staff”.
Our Care Advice Awards are designed to encourage easy access to good advice and to help ingrain good practice across the sector.
Our Winners
In no particular order.

Personal advice winners
These websites, magazines and blogs have been recognised for the information they offer to individuals who may be caring for a family member. They offer practical and supportive advice for carers.