Did you know Age UK has its own radio station ?
Available online 24 hours a day its ideal for anyone who has difficulty sleeping. The Wireless provides music from across the decades alongside informative features and topical discussions focussing on ways to improve later life.
Even David Hamilton and Martin Lewis present shows and features include;
- tips for gardeners from celebrity experts
- book promotions and reviews by the authors
- expert advice regarding food, travel, health and hobbies.
The Wireless also contains really useful information about;
- claiming benefits
- how to leave a will and
- consumer rights plus much more.
It is also a useful resource in as much as you can discover what is going on with regards to fundraising for them. Currently the programme is played in many Age UK shops and it is also available for blind listeners using a Sonata player.
The Wireless also offers a listen again service and you can choose specific topics of interest to you. Hmmm guess which station I am going to switch to?
The Wireless also allows you to see what programmes are available in the week to come using their scheduler